Monday, June 8, 2009

YMO in Kirin Beer Ad

I was digging through some of the things I checked "favorite" on youtube and had forgotten about this Japanese beer commercial featuring '80s electronic synth pioneers Yellow Magic Orchestra (YMO), keep an eye out for that ridiculously gigantic Moog modular synth in the background:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Online Keyboard Museum

I have been really busy lately. I have been really busy screwing around in the real world. I will post this item to distract you, the casual reader, for enough time so that I can recuperate and throw some more ideas down the old turnpike.

This online keyboard museum has all kinds of classic drum machines from the '70s and '80s, all simulated in glorious Macromedia Flash. I recommend trying the Boss DR-55 Drum Machine and the Electro-Harmonix Space Drum.

Go... play.